Too bad you want to delete your account!
Are you sure you no longer want to receive rewards, coupons or promotions from your favourite Joyn merchants?
Receiving too many emails?
In that case, you can also adjust your preferences. More information on how to do this can be found in this article (I receive too many emails. How do I resolve this?).
If you still want to delete your account:
1. Open the Joyn app on your smartphone.
2. Press the settings icon in the top left corner.
3. Select ‘Account & Profile’.
3. Select ‘Delete account’ at the bottom.
4. Confirm with the ‘Delete account’ button.
5. Enter the password for your account and press ‘Delete’.
6. Your account has now been deleted.
Your account will be permanently deleted after 30 days. Want to reactivate your account? Send an email to and we will help you immediately.
Don’t have a smartphone?
Send an email to and explain that you want to delete your account.