I’m registered with Payconiq. How do I integrate Payconiq in my Joyn Business App?

If you would like to integrate Payconiq into your Joyn app, you must complete a few steps first:

  1. Enter your details on this page: https://www.joyn.eu/nl-be/joyn-payconiq/ik-ben-joyn-en-payconiq.
  2. We will send you an email with a document.
  3. Print the document.
  4. Fully complete the document and sign it.
  5. Scan the document (or take a clear photo with your smartphone).
  6. Send your scans (or photos) by email to hello@joyn.eu stating ‘Integration Payconiq’.

We will process your app together with Payconiq and implement the integration for you. This process can take up to 5 business days. When everything is in order, we will contact you.

Note: the integration is only supported in the new Joyn Business App.
If you want to check whether you can download this app, check this article.

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