How is Joyn different from other loyalty programmes?

A major difference with other loyalty programmes is that Joyn offers an umbrella platform for merchants. Realised with your own loyalty programme! Join Joyn and use a loyalty platform where new functionalities and process improvements become available on a regular basis.

You pay a fixed price and, depending on your subscription, you will have access to a full range of statistics and transactions, as well as rewards, coupons and campaigns. Looking for ideas for your emails? Certain subscriptions include a number of templates that will come in handy!

The biggest advantage for your customers is the range of different Joyn merchants in the local area. Vice versa, you immediately have an even bigger asset in your hands: with the Joyn Marketing Service, you can instantly reach out to Joyn users in your area who have not visited you before! Discover here how to attract new customers.

Join Joyn now and turn your customers into fans!

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