How do I download the Joyn Business App on my iPad or iPhone?

Are you ready to switch to the new Joyn Business App?
Click here to check whether you are ready to do so.

To download the app, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the App Store on your iPad or iPhone.
  2. Enter ‘Joyn Business’ as a search argument and confirm.
  3. Press ‘Download’ to install the app.
  4. Select ‘Install’.
  5. Confirm that you want to download the app by entering the password of your Apple ID and pressing ‘Log in’.
  6. The app will now be downloaded.
  7. Go to your home screen and open the new Joyn Business App.
  8. Log in with your Joyn login credentials.

You are now all set to use the new Joyn Business App for iPad or iPhone!

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