Send an e-mail to your customers? A good idea. You will maintain contact with them and welcome them into your business sooner or later. When to send an e-mail? Five tips for inspiration!
1. Send an e-mail to announce an event
Are you organising a late-evening shopping spree, happy hour, open house, etc.? Let your customers know by e-mail. It will warm them up for the event. And they may even forward your message to friends. Tip: mention the place and date of your event in the subject line: that is what will make readers click on the link.
2. Send an e-mail to say ‘welcome’ and ‘thank you’
Friendliness: is what consumers want to experience. And that is why they return to your business. Make sure to excel in friendliness, for example by sending e-mails. Welcome new customers and let them know how happy you are with them. And thank loyal customers for their loyalty. I bet those small attentions will be appreciated.
3. Send an e-mail to tell them about something new
Is there a new sandwich on the menu? Are you distributing a new brand in your clothes’ shop? Or are you serving a trendy drink in your coffee bar? Tell customers about it by e-mail. Add a discount vouchers for your new product. It will encourage them to give it a try.
4. Send an e-mail to summon dissidents
Remember that conversation with that nice customer a few months ago? Unfortunately, he hasn’t come back. That’s a shame! Send an e-mail to your sleeping customers with the message that you miss them, this will remind them of you. Big players like Zalando and send those ‘we miss you e-mails’ with discount as extra motivation to come back. Why don’t you try it.
5. Send e-mail to ask feedback
You want your customers to be happy – so that they keep returning and pass on their enthusiasm. But how do you know if they are happy? Easy: ask them about it by sending an e-mail with a mini survey. A quick and easy way to gather a wealth of information.
By sending an e-mail you put customers in motion. And that is what you want, isn’t it?